Saturday, October 30, 2010

Novrember Two

Election day is coming and ... um, I think we forgot about our campaign. Sorries!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Another Hero: Homecoming Drag Queen

Another hero, the brave Ryan Allen, aka "Reann" was crowned the 2009 George Mason University Homecoming Queen. It sure takes determination and courage to pull off such a feat, considering that Ryan was running with the natural disadvangtage of being anatomically not a woman.

Although the position of royalty does not carry any political power, Nurse Chris praises Ryan's accomplishment: "Ryan is another example that anyone, no matter which of the five genders they identify with, can do stuff in life."

Dr. Nello declined to comment on the fairy.

New Banner, Slogan

Goodbye, "Believe to Dream."

Hello, "Change Hope."

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Paving the Way

Nurse Chris would like to thank the city of Silverton, Oregon, for electing Stu Rasmussen and putting a "few thousand cracks in the plexisglass ceiling." At 60, Stu is the first transgender mayor of Silverton, and quite possibly the first transgender politician anywhere. (We decided not to look this fact up, as searching for trannies is never a good idea.)

"Mr(s) Rasmussen is an inspiration to all those who are unsure of their gender and yet still want to make a difference," said Nurse Chris. "A true example of what it means to 'Believe to Dream.'"

"Believe to Dream" is the official Slogan-of-the-Month for the unofficial Nello/Nurse 2012 campaign.

Dr. Nello threw up upon hearing of Mr(s) Rasmussen.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Announcing, 2012

Disappointed with the results of the 2008 elections, Dr. Nello and Nurse Chris have decided they need to take action for this nation's political future. They're officially announcing their intent to possibly run for president and vice president of the United States.

Explaining their desire to explore the notion of maybe seeking the highest office, Dr. Nello explains, "Originally, we were deterred by our lack of executive experience, but as was shown this year, experience is like that creepy-beard Skittles commerical: irrelevant." (When it was pointed out to the bloggers that each candidate this year was either a senator or a governor, Dr. Nello said, "Don't be distracted by those distractions!")

Nurse Chris adds, "We feel confident about winning if we actually go through with this, because it would be a historical first, electrifying voters. I would be the first hermaphroditic tranny to be #2 in the nation!" Nurse Chris then snickered at saying "number two."

"Of course," Dr. Nello interjects, "I might get to busy or forget or something. But I've really put a lot of thought into it this last hour."

Nurse Chris mused on a few simple, vague campaign slogans: "Probably Could," "Breakfast First," "Change Hope's Diaper" and "Counseling."

Dr. Nello and Nurse Chris immediately suspended their campaign until further notice.